ソフィア外語学院トップへ>生徒の自由英作文 | サイトマップ |
訪問者数総計 昨日
中学3年生の生徒 |
*事例データのCさんです。 |
●入学時期: 中学2年生 ●在籍期間: 1年3か月(この作文を書いた時点) ●出身校: 淑徳中学 ●CTE103点(リスニング59/リーディング44) ●TOEIC 465点(リスニング295/リーディング170) ●生徒の特徴: 淑徳の平均的な生徒です。明るく朗らか。文法は不得意で、あまり覚えられません。 ●注目の点: 中3とは思えない英語を書いています。ソフィア外語学院では、平均的な学習能力があれば、この様に速い速度で英語ができるようになると言うことがわかります。 ●作文の種類: スピーチ用の原稿 |
About India Hello everyone. How are you? It's becoming colder so take care of your health. Now, today I'll talk about my experience in India. My family have lived in Bombay for 3 years on my father's business. Bombay is a city which is one of the biggest cities in India. It is very famous for Indian movies and it has a very beautiful sea, the Arabian Sea. It takes about 14 hours to go to Bombay by airplane from Tokyo. India is a country with a population of nine hundred million. The weather there is always hot. All the time hot. Now, I'll introduce all Indian lives and something which I felt to you. First, I want to talk about what Indian people are wearing. Do you know anything about Indian clothes? I think many people know that a sari is one of the Indian native dresses. But, of course, they have more. Panjabi Dress is one of them. Panjabi is the origin of a word "Pyjamas". It is popular to men and to women. But Benetton was popular to youg people who are rich. Poor people can't buy them. Second, I'll talk about their eating habit. We had 3 freezers and two refrigerator. Why did we need so much? Because there were food shortage. So we could buy only milk, chicken and vegetablies. So Japanese who lived in India went to Singapore to buy two hundred Kg Japanese food and they got back with them. In my house, my mother always cooked bread but sometimes had power failures. So we sometimes couldn't eat it. As for water, there were always water shortage. Sometimes water stopped while I was shampooing my hair. But there were some good things. For example, there were many things which were very cheap, like Bananas. A banana was only 1 rupee. In Japanese Yen, 1 rupee is only 3 Yens. Don't you think it is very cheap! We went to restaurants once a week. We often went to a Chinese restaurant. The boiled crab was very delicious! Now, I'll introduce all Indian foods to you. First, everyone knows that Indian curry is the most popular food amony Indian food. But the Indian curry is different from Japanese curry. Indian curry has a lot of spices. So it is very very hot! Do you know Alfanso Mango? It is a kind of Mangoes which can be harvested in May every year. It is very delicious too! Third, I'll talk about my life when my family lived in India. Do you know the caste system? It is a status system. And it has ranks. We employed a srvant, 2 sweepers, 4 drivers and a messenger. With their help, we could manage to keep body and soul together as the lives in Japan. Our servants boiled water every morning. Because we couldn't drink any unboiled water. Last, I'll compare Indian way of thinking with Japanese one. Indian way of thinking is quite different from Japanese one. All countries have their own customs. I had a lot of experiences in India and I felt. Japanese have a lot of things which are very useful and high-class. Many Indians don't have things like Japanese. But they looked happier than Japanese. Do you know why? Indians have believed in religion. All of them have it. But a lot of Japanese don't. I believe in Christianity and I'll be a Christian on this Christmas. One day i got on a subway with my friend. And we talked about Christmas. I told her that I'd go to church on Christmas. Then she said, "Do you believe in Christanity? Really? You're crazy, aren't you?" I can't understand why she said like that. Am I crazy? All over the world people believe in their own religion. It is normal. So I hope. |
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